Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Change it, Starts wth ME

Change it, Starts with Me!

   "I'm gonna open my eyes, and see for the first time." The reality of my dream. A new beginning starts and I've unlocked the gates of goodness.

C-ourage and H-appiness lead to a great A-chivement N-ever giving up, we've G-ot to go and E-njoy!
CHANGE. There comes a time when we simply have to face the challenges in our lives and stop backing down. Stand Up! Change it, Starts with Me. We all know that letter C comes first than letter M, isn't it? But in reality, letter M comes first because "M" stands for "ME". If we ever plan to change something, we must change first ourselves. Our attitude determines our approach to life.

  Don't let our anger burst out again and it might go back in time. Straighten our problems out before. That way we will wake up smiling. I'm Ready, Let's face it!   

My Dream, My Future

My Life, My Pathway

     Everyone of us has it's own uniqueness and dignity to live. But in some ways we have different characteristics in life, and in this life we have right now we must make it worthy, because life is very much important, the best gift ever. But in this kind of reality there are some human beings who are still not contented of what they have right now. That's why we must be proud of who we are and what we have. God created the world for us to live in, to take good care of His creation, but, what happened? In spite of everything He had done to us, We wrecked it! And Adam and Eve were the ones responsible of these. And because of this we've committed a very very big mistake, and that's why some of us now became a demon.

    As we go on with the flow, let's enjoy it. Put on, on our ADVENTURE SHOES and lets explore like what DORA is doing. But for me, I'll explore my future to be. My Dream ... My Future ...
They say dreams are not for reality. But I don't think so. Cause dreams are plans that are meant to be. Our dreams is our God's plan for us in the future. 

For us to prepare for what ever hindrances may come. MY DREAM, MY FUTURE, MY DESTINY!   

Monday, February 10, 2014

Reflection (4th Quarter)

                                   POSSIBLE WITHOUT MY DEAREST TEACHERS

                Yes, that note is absolutely correct and simple but profound in definition.  It is true that I would not have made this blog of mine from the start if I didn’t learn firsthand how to even make articles such as what you are currently reading.  Apparently, I would have been possibly an obvious stranger in this particular kind of matter.  Thankfully, I have my heroes along the way.  My heroes who greatly lack on those freakish superpowers fairy tales commonly have but instead with the heart and determination to succeed on helping other people with their own capabilities.

                These heroes I am talking about helped me in my needs especially in school.  They are like my second parents that see me and everybody else as their own children because of the intensity of the love they share to us.  The future I longed for since the day I was able to realize its importance to my being, would have been impossible if these heroes were never a part of my life.  They taught everything that was necessary for my own knowing.  They filled up the empty spaces of my once idle mind so that I would be able to utilize such yearnings for the fulfilment and the betterment of my cherished tomorrow.

                My teachers, there’s nothing more I could say but these two profound words- THANK YOU.  You have proven me that whatever the situations I encounter, you’re always there and being what you truly are- heroes.  Right now, I really admire our beloved teacher in TLE, Mrs. Evangeline Vera Cruz.  Why? There are multiple reasons but here is my best bet.  The word supportive would best fit this fine young woman because the magnitude she possesses of such trait is unbelievable and enjoyable.  Even though the students tend to do something else very unrelated to her subject matter, she would tolerate them and would even encourage and help those students finish their hasted tasks. What an amazing teacher she truly is….
I end this article as a sign that I learned so much stuff by joining this learning institution filled with nothing but valuable knowledge ready to be shared to almost anyone.  I end this article as well conveying that I’ll forever be very proud of all my teachers.  You have the biggest and the hardest roles to play in the society by you have done it very well.  Thank you again and I’m hoping you can continue on lighting up the future for everybody.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Prosperous New Year To All!


      The New Year serves as an insignia for an old leaf to wither and for a new one to come springing out. It speaks out to each and one of us that we have another chance. A chance to be different, a chance to be better and a chance to see life through its genuine purpose. Various personal resolutions have been made by countless individuals who wish to be someone they seek in the just arrived year. For me, it’s no doubt that I have a penchant for such things even though most of such would just be a decoration on my mind.
      It’s just normal for everyone to change especially within such perfect holidays. So how about me then? Is there a new me for this year of 2014?  Well, to be honest I’m not quite sure because I’m very reluctant if I am even capable of making such big changes in my life but if ever I would be lucky enough to even succeed on just one of them, I’m still unsure if I have the guts to sustain them for a considerable measure of time.
     However, these things that I mentioned would not fully hinder me to try having the New Year change I’ve been yearning for. Furthermore, I won’t possibly loose anything by merely trying, right? So for the new me this New Year, I want to be more open to others. You see, when I was in the elementary, I was a bit of an introvert up until the second year of my high school to the extent that I don’t even know my neighbours! I was just able to recognize their faces. Also, what kind of person would not go out of the classroom in any possible hour? Well, that’s me. Yes, the younger years of my life, I’ve spent my time just inside the room without even mingling to most of my classmates. I wasn’t lonely being a lone loner but I had really enjoyed being by myself.
        Thankfully, due to the inexplicable experiences I had seen and I had been, everything finally changed. I started to talk more to my fellows. I began to spend my time with not just myself but with others as well. I really began to be more open with the people around me and this will be the new me if I will be able to sustain or better yet, augment it to its full capacity. I will change if I can from a lone introvert to a happy extrovert.
           I’m just hoping that this year would still be as great as its predecessor. So Happy New Year everyone! Happy New me too!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thank You!

 I would like to say Thank You....

   Greetings! Phewww…..I’m so relieved! You want to know why? Well, of course you do because opening this blog would have been a futile task if you were not so curious enough. I’ll just tell you anyway but be warned! I’m not the usual sort that would be talking about something that would interest you so much and that doesn’t exclude the reason why I’m so happy at this very moment.
    First things first, I would want to thank my dear teacher in this subject, Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz for giving me and all of Mabinians another phone call filled with nothing but knowledge. I had to admit, I never thought the internet could burrow any deeper than I know but I was sadly mistaken. Appearance is just one-fourth of someone’s or something’s total well being.  Meaning that the elements that can be seen in the Internet are not what they seem but are much more complex outside of the virtual world and towards our reality.
     "HTML Documents" as I can say it. It might be very simple in plain view but I guarantee it is a gargantuan task to fully understand how it really works. In the first place, I wondered so much like why there are brackets and what are these words I’m putting on a simple article? What are these symbols and shortcuts for? Why does it need so many things to even function properly? It was truly out of this world.
       Days surely passed and I began to understand them little by little. As a matter of fact, I even enjoyed doing them because every button that I had pressed on the keyboard and every character I see appearing in the monitor marks that a certain and dazzling outcome would follow. It was just a matter of time that I was able to master everything and I never thought I could call it simple. Due to the activities I have encountered and the yearnings my beloved teachers had given, my problems and troubles were resolved…..finally.
         Now, what I am really happy about is the fact that another grading period is about to end and this blog signifies just that. My hardships and troubles in the past have yet again…well…passed. I do hope it will bring me a very fruitful outcome. And what I feel about the subject and what I had learned from it is truly indescribable. Well, similar to my Blog for Tomorrow that moving on I will still try my best to learn that vast cog of the internet and by doing so, I may learn to put everything to the test and be able to enhance and ready myself for the challenging future I will be facing.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Merry Loving!

*Essence of Christmas*

   The long-awaited day of Christmas might have passed already but its aura is still lingering around the horizon. We can still feel the cool breeze gliding around. We can still recall the panoramas of the things we did in this special occasion. We are still yearning for another minute of such exhilarating experience. But as we continue to cherish these moments, did we really feel the essence of this unique holiday? Or was it just another day where in we have an endless pile of food to munch or a hillside of gifts to unwrap relentlessly?

      I for one had sought the true meaning of celebrating Christmas this year. It’s not about the decorations, the edibles, the gifts nor any other tangible things we have for the event: it’s about the love that we could all share with others. As a matter of fact, everything started out of love. God created the world because of love, Jesus Christ died because of love and They want us to bear love as well. Wouldn’t it be perfect for Christmas time to do just that? Since, we are once again united to celebrate such marvelling season of our whole lives.

         Love does embody everything the Jesus wants us to be. So this Christmas time, let’s all share the love for our families, relatives, friends, neighbours, teachers, classmates and every single human out there but most especially, to God. Let everything else disappear as long as we are all united and that love binds us all, it is just all right. It’s good enough, actually. And this is the true essence of Christmas, my dear friends. Let’s all enjoy it ‘til its last day on the month of January. Merry Christmas! Merry Loving!